1 .1 Methodology
1. 1.1 Selection of Site: The selection of site of the survey was done jointly by the Head of Department of Statistics with other teachers. The main reason of the selection of Leimaram Village, Bishnupur District is that in the past years our seniors had already covered the Imphal Municipal Area. This time we are interested to know the social and economic conditions of the said area so that we will get meaningful and vital information about the survey area.
1.1. 2 What is a Field Work?
Statistics is the science which deals with collection, compilation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data, in its broad sense and demands field work. We know that science is the intrinsic relation between theory and facts. The students of Statistics seek the knowledge of collection, compilation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data from a close range. The theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom and through books has to be supplemented by the factual knowledge of field. Thus field work is the practical way of collection, compilation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data through direct observation with attention of testing a particular theoretical concept.
1.3 Obiective:
The main objective of the survey to study the socio_economic condition of the survey is area. The backbone of the survey is based on a schedule such a population structure standard of living, nature and type of ouse , d of settlement, major . ttern of expenditure with various types, mo e income, pa and minor problem faced by the people and others.
l.1.4 Organisation of field Work: A field work team consisting of all the stu en . f f th . h d on-teaching staf o e Semester in Statistics along with the teac ers an n h f . 1 phal Among the teac ers, Department of Statistics, D.M.College o Science, m · . Id s ·sor and others are one of the senior teachers is appointed as f 1e upervi . h. t ff member acts as Field Assistant field Supervisors. The non-teac 1ng s a · · · db the Assistant. The expenditure of the field work is partially sanctione Y Director, University and Higher Education, Govt. of Manipur and the Principal of our College.of Manipur and the Principal of our College.
1.1.5 Method of Sampling and Mode of Conducting the Survey: The survey is conducted under three-stage sampling. A schedule of questionnaire sheet which was made and supplied by the Department of Statistics, D.M.College of Science, Imphal, was used to collect information from each household. We went to the selected houses and ask the questions one by one in clear, brief, collaborate and non-offending manner and fill-in up the schedule of inquiry on the basis of information supplied by the family. By the method of inquiry with the special technique, we collect information from the selected households. If the head of the family is absent or too old to get information, we tried to get clear, correct and relevant information from any adult member of the household. We made a routine for th W . . e survey. e scrut1n1zed and analyzed the collected information under the st · t ·d . . . r1c gu1 once of our Field Supervisor and Assistant Field Supervisors.
2 Some Terms and Their Definitions:
1.2.1 Household: A group of persons normally living together and taking food from a common kitchen constitutes a household. The actual composition of a household is to be divided by the head of the household. The head of the household is defined as the person on whom falls the chief responsibility for the maintenance of the household.
1.2.2 Occupation: The nature of work that is personally performed by a person to meet his living is termed as his occupation.
1.2.3 Age: It is referred to as the number of complete years as on the last birthday of the person.
1.2.4 Literacy and Educational Qualification: A person who can read and write is termed as literate and the highest grade examination which the person passed is recorded as his/her educational qualification.
1.2.5 Marital Status: People are classified into four categories -(i) Never married (ii) Married (iii) Widow and (iv) Divorced.
1.2.6 Cultivable Land: This is the area of the land cultivated by a household out of the total land owned by them or rented to others for cultivation.
1.2.7 Non-cultivable Land: It is the area of land owned by the household for housing, gardening, kitchen gardening etc.
1.2.8 Income and Expenditure: By income we mean the earning of the household for every source within a specific time and by expenditure we mean money expended during a given period in all respect.
1.2.9 Ethnic Settlers: Ethnic settlers are the inhabitants who were originally settled at a place. In the survey area we mean the ethnic settlers are meiteis.
CHAPTER -II ANALYSIS AND REPORTS In this chapter, we analysed the information collected from the survey area and we are giving the reports of the analysis based on the different tables.
The main problems faced during the survey were to find the accurate information about the income, expenditure, indebtedness etc.
Although we faced difficulties during the survey, we gain a lot of valuable knowledge during the course of the survey. We could get good feeling for working together and cooperation with each other. It also gives us an experience in conveying with other people without making any offence to them. We also got the practical experience from the field work study.
The present small report shall give an idea about the survey area 1n future survey. By undertaking such similar work regularly, the finding shall fill up the existence gap of lack of appropriate demographic data which are highly essential for planning to uplift the social status.
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